Groups often find it helpful to work with a neutral facilitator — one who does not have a stake in the outcome of the facilitation — when faced with a difficult conflict. Working with the University Ombuds in this capacity allows the group members to focus solely on the substantive matters at issue, affording them opportunity to share their concerns candidly, identify each other's interests and goals, and brainstorm solutions together. As with other ombuds services, facilitation occurs in an informal and confidential setting, and participation is voluntary. In addition to keeping the participants on track and working productively toward a resolution, the Ombuds Office ensures that there is full and fair opportunity for each participant to provide input into the process and that the conversation is respectful.
University Ombuds
Sometimes parties to a conflict are unwilling or unable to meet in person or speak directly to one another.
The ability to manage conflict increases as we learn about and apply effective tools and strategies for navigating it. To support this learning, the Ombuds Office offers training on a variety of topics related to conflict management and effective communication.